Friday, January 8, 2010


Today, there are approximately 6,795,000,000 people living on earth. The world population is growing every single second. Unfortunately, many have flawed genes, making them less than intelligent. I personally believe that what we are going through today; climate changes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc, are what mankind created with our own hands. And I believe that it is a way for Mother Nature to take back what we took from Her. It is also another way to reduce the population in the world. If we look back in the past, many historical yet unfortunate incidents have happened in the world long time ago even before my great grandparents were born.

Look at the Ice Age. It was said to have wiped out half the population of the world. The survivors managed to escape and has learned to adapt to the new environment. Living things have been evolving as time passes and today we have various types of animals :)
I believe that is what we are all made to do. To evolve and learn from our surroundings. In the wild, we are meant to do what we can to survive to various challenges. Unfortunately today, money makes the world go round. Even not-so-intelligent people are living happily in their own shallow world. That is why there are natural disasters to wipe out the weak.

There are only 2 different kinds of people in this world. The stupid and the smart. Here are the differences:

1. Smart people can think before they speak. They make sure they get their facts right and they do not cause unnecessary trouble. Stupid people have a disability to do so. Therefore they always sound the same: STUPID.

2. Smart people can think of the consequences of their actions. They know better not to cause troubles to others. Stupid ppl have cant think. Period.

3. Smart people are logical. They're realistic. Stupid people are shallow and are in their own damn fanatic world.

I put myself in the smart category. Cos I'm narcissistic like that ;)

This is just a piece of my mind. :) Its hard to accept that we are living among shallow, selfish hypocrites who try hard to use their influence to manipulate their shallow-er and not-so-intelligent kind to go against others. At least do your damn research and get your bloody facts right before voicing out. Oh yes you know what I'm talking about :)

If only there are less people like this in this world. If only the earthquake and lightning strikes the right people. Please do terasa. Stop living in denial because YOU are the cause of all these stupidity. Stop your bloody hypocrisy. At least terrorists own up to their actions.

I believe in karma. Siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas.

*I came up with half the things I wrote in the first 2 paragraph. If u actually believed me and were nodding away, means that I'm pretty damn good in writing. Hehe ;)


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